Sunday, 30 December 2007

New Year 2008

Here's wishing you the best of all things possible in the NEW YEAR!
2008 is GONNA be GREAT!

Saturday, 15 December 2007

Happy Holidays to all and a very exciting NEW YEAR 2008, soon on the horizon! Celebrate life and all the wonders, as each and every moment is precious beyond words. LOVE EVERY MINUTE, no mater WHAT... this is the 'secret' to inner happiness! ;)

Saturday, 3 November 2007

Giving THANKS :)

Many things to be thankful for... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Be sure to CLICK on the picture! ;)

Friday, 5 October 2007

Performing with the symphony

I am back at work with the symphony, starting on Sept 26th, this marking my 30-31st season! :) I LOVE playing the violin, and have the best group of colleagues that makes one proud to work and play great music! Yes, we have the sound of a MAJOR orchestra, and I am honored to be in this wonderful group. Yes, we are ALL millionaires in spirit, but now more than ever, the organization would LOVE to increase our ENDOWMENT. If you are or anybody you know wants to support a major orchestra, feel free to contact someone and don't be too shy about holding on to your big bucks, as you can't take it with you, and all things that are really important, money CAN'T buy! However, 'money' can buy a symphony, and you can be a part of making it all happen . Please check out this link for the orchestra & go to where it says SUPPORT: . Your kids and grand kids are depending on a future with some class and culture, and only you and I can provide that bright future. I am doing 'my part' to make this a reality, and perhaps you or someone you know will also value the precious gem of Tampa Bay, The Florida Orchestra, now celebrating our 40th season! :)

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

Around the corner ....

Fall is just around the corner, as September has finally arrived. A very peaceful and relaxing summer is almost over. I don't see the color of the leaves changing,but I do see changes on the horizon. In our life we the observe the change of the seasons, and the death and rebirth of all things. With every end there is a new beginning, with every door closed, another one opens,and what is up, will go down... and back up, again. :) ZOE, is what the GREEKS call it ... ina ZOE !!!!!

Monday, 20 August 2007

August 19, 2007

I had a wonderful birthday, today and am grateful for all the special love and caring from many of my wonderful friends, and family. I feel humbly blessed, especially when I was told as a teen, that I had 'two weeks to live', due to a rare blood disorder. But I showed them... I LIVED to talk about it! :) THANK YOU, GOD, for allowing me live and grow into the bright light that you put me on this earth to become, and to SHINE forth all to see. Each day, I am made into a better and stronger person. I am humbly grateful for all the lessons learned and experiences that have made me wiser and enlightened in all the ways that really matter in life. Most of all, I am grateful for the wonderful people, not masking themselves, but are the angels in my life... you KNOW who you are! I thank YOU for your love & support, for without my angel friends, I would not be much of a Royal Greek Gal...God Bless you ALL!

Thursday, 16 August 2007

Cattitude :)

Good thing that "Cattitude is EVERYTHING"! It IS true what they say, "like a fine wine or old violin, good things do get better with age!" ;)

Friday, 6 July 2007

It's JULY... raining,hot & muggy!

Well, time sure is flying by, as I stay home with my collie, chocolate lab, tiger cat, and also a black cocker spaniel I am watching for a month. Everybody gets along, famously! :) I am over all the shopping as I already found some wonderful things last month. Yesterday was the 4th of July, and I hung my flag outside of my front door, along with my neighbors. Haven't seen flags on the street since years ago, when EVERYBODY had a flag outside, on their car, and there were no 'party' divisions, just all 'American's. I see that all the neighbors still have their flags hanging today, and I am so glad, as I am a very patriotic gal, and love my country, very much. While I am a millionaire in SPIRIT, that will not buy some of life's simple pleasures, but somehow, I pray that all things work for out goodness sake. I know that LIFE ALWAYS FINDS A WAY, somehow...

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Toula Sophia, your "Royal Greek Gal" is having a fun time with the summertime sales at my fav store's . :) 75% off selected items, plus I got a 20% discount coupon in the mail, on top of the 75%...they practically GAVE things away... ;0 Yep, this is what ROYALS do when leave the castle & go into the world... Stylin', uh huh, dat's 'moi... ;)*

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Royal Greek Gal in June 2007

...'TIS,'moi!!! I am doing great ! The symphony season is over until mid September 2007. Lots of rest is needed unitl then... who knows what a gal will do?!