Well, time sure is flying by, as I stay home with my collie, chocolate lab, tiger cat, and also a black cocker spaniel I am watching for a month. Everybody gets along, famously!
:) I am over all the shopping as I already found some wonderful things last month. Yesterday was the 4th of July, and I hung my flag outside of my front door, along with my neighbors. Haven't seen flags on the street since years ago, when EVERYBODY had a flag outside, on their car, and there were no 'party' divisions, just all
'American's. I see that all the neighbors still have their flags hanging today, and I am so glad, as I am a very patriotic gal, and love my country, very much. While I am a millionaire in SPIRIT, that will not buy some of life's simple pleasures, but somehow, I pray that all things work for out goodness sake. I know that